Normally, I try to cite a news article or some sort of current event as basis for an entry because, otherwise, this blog is sort of purely opinion based, but - on this occasion - I think all I want to do is share an opinion.
Regardless of what the McCain campaign and their Fox News partners want to spew about the "east coast elites" and the "un-American" parts of the country, I know that - for my friends and I - we care so deeply about this country that we want only the best for it and the best doesn't come from divisive politics or fear mongering. The best America can be, for right now, is unattainable unless her leaders drastically change course and, yes, possibly even admit some wrong-doing. America has lost her respect and much of her power in the eyes of the world. Her people are tattered and tired, but - I don't believe - done, by any means.
We need leadership, though. Real leadership. We need someone who will stop spewing bullshit and be honest as any politician really can be, at least. Obama has the potential to change America's direction. Personally, his "inexperience" is almost a plus for me because, as I'm sure I've lamented before, I feel he isn't as entrenched in the Washington status quo as McCain (or even Clinton). You can't survive in politics without becoming indebted to someone, but I do think he has tried to keep his hands pretty clean. He has a vision. He has intelligence and eloquence. He has the potential to bring respect and class back to a country that's lacked it for so fucking long.
America's democracy is in trouble. We shouldn't have people waiting out in line for two to eight hours outside polling places. We shouldn't have fear and confusion in polling booths. It shouldn't even cross our minds in this country that a vote may not be counted. People have to know their rights; they have to know that - even if there are police officers everywhere - it's still their right to vote and they can intimidate you, but they can't stop you. (Well, unless you're actually doing something aside from voting that is illegal. Haha.) We need an informed electorate and this race, more so than any other in recent history, seems to have gotten people who would otherwise look away, to stand up and notice what's going on around them. I only hope they actually go out and vote. While McCain is certainly not the most heinous among the Republican party, what good will he bring to the nation? What change has he really told us he'd bring to the White House? McCain would not be the worst case scenario, but Palin really would be.
Anyone who was on the fence between Obama and McCain should have flung himself excitedly over to Obama's side after the announcement of Sarah Palin for Vice President. That decision alone proves how unequipped he is for the presidency. She does nothing but tell Americans over and over how perfect America is and how - to be a true American - you have to blindly follow failing leadership; you have to think America is great even when the evidence around you proves we have serious problems both in our backyards and overseas. Is it really un-American to point out your country's short-comings and vow to improve upon them? Lying to your fellow people, to other countries, and to yourself about America's perfection helps NO ONE, so stop calling Michelle Obama and the rest of us "unpatriotic" for not being proud of America's behavior. Over the passed five years, America has lost over 4,000 citizens to a war in Iraq ( not to mention soldiers from other countries, Iraqi solders, Iraqi civilians, the wounded, the troops in Afghanistan, or the families of all of the above. There are countless lives that have been ruined, so don't tell me America should be proud of it. There ARE things more important than being right, America. Like being smart. And smart is something Barack Obama exudes. He will - responsibly - end this nightmare.
We need to shred this "mightier than thou," "city on a hill," American exceptionalism shit and realize we are not the only players in the world anymore...and the world is shrinking. McCain hounds Obama for saying he'd meet with world leaders (specifically Ahmadinejad) without "preconditions." Yes, Obama thinks negotiation without preconditions is better than no negotiations at terrible. We can't keep ragging on people and expecting them to drop their beliefs (no matter how passionately we may disagree with them) just because the mighty U.S. wants it so. There has to be understanding. There has to be compromise. Omaba seems like a man who knows the world is bigger than America's borders. American isolation simply will not work and we have to be active (but RESPONSIBLE) as a world leader...while we can still call ourselves one.
We also have to help our own right here. We can't have people falling more and more in debt, taking out loans only to dig deeper holes. It's a wretched cycle most Americans face as early as college (for those lucky enough to attend) with college loans. At 21 years old, you can find yourself under piles of debt. The cost of living goes up, while jobs decrease; they get sent elsewhere. We give breaks to big businesses so they'll stay big while the small ones get smaller and smaller until there are no Mom 'n' Pop places anymore. (As much as I do love my Starbucks, I'd take a smaller, independent coffee shop over it any day.) Maybe "spreading the wealth" sounds like Socialism, but I certainly think it's better than keeping all the wealth in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of us (and the economy) find ourselves in the shitter.
Further, we need to end the era of bigotry and hatred within our borders. In 2008, whether Barack Obama is an Arab shouldn't even be a factor. You shouldn't vote for him just because he's black, but you should also not vote against him because he's black. I don't dislike Palin because she has a vagina; I dislike her because everything about her, to me, is anti-American, anti-women, anti-environment, anti-civil rights, and anti-progressivism in general. In 2008, there is no reason why gays shouldn't - without question - have the right to marry. In 2008, there is NO reason why America is not leading the way towards energy efficient cars, homes, dogs, cats, everything! There's no reason for it and it needs to change. It needed to change four years ago, but...we'll take it now.
Election Day is tomorrow. I'm a mess of anxiety and excitement. I have little crying fits. I want to see this county be so much healthier than it is and has been for the last eight years.
The last eight years should have been so much different. Let's make the next eight brighter. Let's pull out of this period of de-regulation and executive-privilege-on-steroids and make America a country about which we can all feel truly proud again.
Please go out and vote tomorrow. It is one of the only parts of American "democracy" in which citizens actually get to be involved. There are many websites with polling information. One I came across is: and it seems very helpful. Most polling places open between 6am and 8am and close between 6pm and 8pm. It's your right and the country needs you.
Monday, November 3, 2008
One Day Left Until Election Day 2008
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